National League Event 4

National League Event 4 2017

Date: Saturday 7th October 2017 - Sunday 8th October 2017 at Medway Park, Gillingham

Entries close: -0001-11-30

Entry ages: 9 years +

The 4th event of the 2017 national league


Name Set Vol Final Total Pos. View
E D T H Total E D T H Total E D T H Total
15-16 girls League 2
Sydney Kelly7.906.964.519.363.31.22.79529.2950000028.65513 view
19+ boys League 2
Luis Pires15014.7158.638.31511.24.810.6956.232.8950000071.2111 view
11-12 girls League 3
Macy Dexter14.9012.3459.436.64515.2412.579.641.370000078.01528 view

Competition dates

Date Time Details
Saturday 7th October 2017 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 8th October 2017 09:00 - 17:00