Cangaroos 10 Year Anniversary

Cangaroos 10 Year Anniversary 2014

Date: Sunday 29th June 2014 at Girton

The Cambridge Cangaroos was founded way back in 2004 and has since accelerated in size to the formidable team it is now. Since then we have open new centres, competed across the continent, produced a massive pool of coaches and trampolinists, been a big part of the regional committee and even performed displays around Cambridge.

To celebrate all this our amazing secretary Kim went all out to book us a venue and entertainment to celebrate our 10th Birthday in style. As you entered the doors circus entertaiuners greeted you with balloons and tricks along with a bar that suddenly sprang to life refreshing all attendees. One would not be surprised that first in line for refreshment was our very own Tony Fagelman. There was even a balloon Kangaroo on display - the thought of inflating that beast just made your cheeks saw.

Circus sensible rocked our afternoon with some awesome stunts and games which saw Gabe, Lois and a new attendee for the day; Mila suitably embarrassed by their antics. Shortly after the food was ready and hungry parents and children descended on the food consisting of burgers, hot dogs and even chocolate cake. We all marveled as the ever entertaining Liz gauged into her cheesecake before attacking Ali with an elastics catapult - he probably had it coming.

As we talked and laughed away various children could be found brushing up their circus skills or playing hide and seek in the grounds - no amount of rain would ruin our day.

As the day drew to a close there was just enough time for Lizz to snipe Tony with the catapult and Harryu to rugby tackle a few more unsuspecting adults. We now look forward to our demos and the AGM - see you all soon!

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