Centre Update

Centre Update

Date: Tuesday 22nd October 2019 at Whittlesford

Thank you to all our members for bearing with us while we develop our trampoline centre. This is a massive investment for the club and as with any new venture the start up is the hardest part.

The rent alone for a unit this size is vast and to ensure we have longevity we have to moderate our spending, so things are taking longer than we had hoped. To do this, many sessions are run by volunteers and our committee are working long hours outside of their day jobs to progress work and drum up more members.

We have applied to Sport England for some funding, which will really help us develop the site. It is ironic, that we have to be ‘in premises’ before we can apply for such funding. We are hoping to hear the outcome of our application this week.

Many parents have asked how they can help, so we have created a list of items that we need or work we need doing and would be really grateful if you (or someone you know) were able to help us. We will publish this shortly.

We also have a number of fund raising events this week: flipping fun on Thursday and Halloween Tricks and Treats on Friday. All the proceeds from these events are going to foam flooring in the main area. Hoping that we can create a great area for strength and conditioning and potentially gymnastics and cheerleading classes in the future. So please take a look and even if you only have an hour, your booking will be very welcome.

Alternatively and perhaps a little cheeky, if you cannot attend but want to contribute. Why not use our admin ticket and make a donation of as little as £1.00. Imagine, what we could achieve if every member did this. That would be almost half the flooring paid for. Link to ticket; https://bookwhen.com/cangaroos#focus=ev-snk4-20191101100000

The future of the club is definitely bright and if passion alone were enough to see us through we would be flying (pun intended). However, passion wont pay the bills, so we need to do all we can to balance the books for a sustainable future.

Finally, thank you all for your flexibility, patience and understanding while we increase numbers, to in turn increase coaches and hopefully we will be back to 4:1 gymnasts:coach ratios before we know it. In the meantime our coaches are being creative with the sessions to ensure that no-one gets any less bounce time and in some instances, more because we can open up the other trampolines or DMT.