Date: Monday 28th October 2019 at Whittlesford
With the second half of term starting tomorrow we wanted to share some exciting news. With the fundraising events we ran during half term, we were able to raise enough money for the flooring and you will be welcomed back to training by a great new space. These included holiday sessions, a halloween sponsored bounce and a visit from local computer games developer Jagex.
I think you will agree that this has transformed the area and we would like to thank all the coaches and committee members that gave up their time for the fundraising events, cake making and floor fitting and of course all of you who booked on the events or made donations online.
To help us keep it clean and fit for purpose, we would ask that you observe some housekeeping rules.
We hope to be able to continue the flooring to the other areas in the coming months, but until we know if we will be awarded any grants we are reliant upon fundraising. So events like the Club Competition and any holiday sessions will continue to contribute to this. And remember, the centre is available for hire for parties, with coaches organising an hour of fun and full use of the upstairs facilities for people to bring their own party food, or take the easy option and collect from McDonalds :P
We look forward to training this week, in a smarter looking gym and much improved warm up area. Thank you for your continued support. Happy bouncing