Parking and travel at Whittlesford

Parking and travel at Whittlesford

Date: Monday 2nd September 2019 - Tuesday 31st December 2019 at Whittlesford

As the new term starts at Cangaroos we would like to inform all members about our parking and transport information.

You will see on arrival that the Club has dedicated nine car parking spaces which includes one disability space and two for coaches. During the period 4.00-5.00 and 5.00-6.00, these are the only spaces available to us, so if you are arriving during these times and wish to park and those places are full, please can you use either the on-street parking or the NCP car park. After 6.00pm and at weekends we are able to use the majority of the car park, just please park sensibly. We are arranging use of additional car parking spaces (when not in use by the owners) for use from 4.00pm and these will be communicated shortly.

You will also notice that there is one ‘Car Pool’ space, this is reserved for those sharing lifts (ie two or more gymnasts in the car). Please do not use it if you’re only travelling with one gymnast.

Please be kind and courteous to our neighbours and park sensibly.

If you are just dropping your gymnast off while you travel on elsewhere, please park sensibly for the few minutes it takes to drop them off and please remind them that although they are in a car park, the road is still busy and they need to take care when crossing it from the parking area to our door.

As part of our lease requirements we are required to provide a Travel record every month to the Council. This is to show that our efforts to provide environmental travel and improved sustainability are being acted on. There will be a form in the Lobby that we ask you to complete every time you come to the centre, it should only take a couple of seconds and just records the method of travel and the number of people travelling. Your cooperation in completing this is gratefully received.