Pressroom from 2006

The Club news articles.

Congratulations Mary-anne on your baby boy!

Congratulations Mary-anne on your baby boy!

Congratulations Mary-anne on your baby boy!
Congratulations Mary-anne on your baby boy!

Congratulations Mary-anne on your baby boy!

The club wishes to congratulate former Cangaroos coach Mary-anne Jaggard and her partner Aaron Smith on the birth of their baby boy Aj.


Harlow Grading 2006

Harlow Grading 2006

Well done to everyone who attended the competition on the 11th June, as a squad we did pretty well. Despite the raging heat we battled on and the under 15 boys did especially well with the 3 of them being placed; 2nd, 3rd and 4th and winning the team competition. Kerry, also, performed very well placing in 3rd place in the under 17 ladies grade 5. All the results can be seen below.